
What is the GSP Audit?

GSP is a meaningful environment education programme. It helps schools audit their use of resources and map their consumption and wastage. The exercise involves collection of information under the following heads:


Helps schools understand how their transport policies affect air quality and to find ways of reducing their emissions so that a citizen’s right to clean air is protected.


Audits the sources of energy, the consumption of energy; and explores ways in which this resource can be saved, to minimise pollution and costs.


Helps your school to coordinate, implement and monitor its canteen to provide good-quality and nutritious food. The section will encourage students to be more conscious of the kind of food being promoted and consumed.


Focuses on the land-use of schools to map green areas, to identify biodiversity; and to grasp the enormous ecological and economic value of this resource.


Helps build an understanding of water use, on the sources of water, on the ways of water conservation (rainwater harvesting and water recycling), the importance of sanitation facilities, with the ultimate aim of building a water literate and prudent society.


Helps in finding out the total amount of waste that is generated, and offers ways and means to reduce it by segregation, recycling and reuse.