
Green Schools Network

Register your school for the Green Schools Network to build an environmentally-sensitive community of students. It is a conglomeration of schools that have participated in the GSP (Green Schools Programme) audit or attended a training workshop organized by the GSP team or invited the GSP team to interact with your students, etc. As a member, you get access to the monthly fun activities and various other resource materials on environment education.

We are pleased to inform you that the registration for the GSP network is now open. So, please go ahead and register now (if you haven’t already)  at https://greenschoolsprogramme.org/audit/21/register or click the button given below:




NOTE: Due to COVID 19, GSP Audit for Schools is currently on hold. However, schools that are part of the network will be informed about its launch as and when it happens. Once registered, GSP Network Schools will also be informed regarding the other ongoing online events of GSP.